.. phylopandas documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Oct 30 16:22:28 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: _logo/banner.png *Bringing the Pandas DataFrame to phylogenetics.* PhyloPandas provides a Pandas-like interface for reading various sequence formats into DataFrames. This enables easy manipulation of phylogenetic data using familiar Python/Pandas functions. Finally, phylogenetics for humans! .. image:: _images/jlab.png :align: center | How does it work? ----------------- Don't worry, we didn't reinvent the wheel. **PhyloPandas** is simply a DataFrame_ (great for human-accessible data storage) interface on top of Biopython_ (great for parsing/writing sequence data). .. _DataFrame: https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas .. _Biopython: https://github.com/biopython/biopython Basic Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ Read sequence file into DataFrame. .. code-block:: python import phylopandas as ph df1 = ph.read_fasta('sequences.fasta') Write ``phylopandas.DataFrame`` data to sequence file. .. code-block:: python df1.to_clustal('sequences.clustal') Convert between two sequence formats. .. code-block:: python # Read from fasta. df = phypd.read_fasta('sequences.fasta') # Write to phylip. df.to_phylip('sequences.phy') See the Cookbook_ page for more things you can do. .. _Cookbook: _pages/cookbook.html Contributing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's *easy* to create new read/write functions and methods for PhyloPandas. If you have a format you'd like to add, please submit PRs! There are many more formats in Biopython that I haven't had the time to add myself, so please don't be afraid to add then yourself! I thank you ahead of time! Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 _pages/dataframe _pages/cookbook Indices and tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`